St Mary's Catholic Church in Leek
Welcome To St Mary’s
Welcome to the Catholic Church of St Mary.
Welcome to the website of St Mary’s Catholic parish in the Staffordshire Moorlands! ST Mary’s is a friendly parish. We welcome families, children and individuals to our Masses and other events. You will be most Welcome. Fr Martin – Parish Priest.
Mass times
Monday 10am
Tuesday 10am
Wednesday 10am (Eucharistic Service)
Thursday 10am
Friday (times vary see below)
Saturday 6.15pm
Sunday 10am
Sunday 1.30pm Mass in the Polish LanguageConfession Times
Saturday 10am-10.30amPlease see Parish News for Mass time variations.Please click below for Livestreaming notice.
Please click below to view Livestream MassPlease click below to view this weeks News letter
The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdioceses policies & procedures at all times. Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Malcolm Sproat. He can be contacted at: [email protected] or alternatively the Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted on 0121 230 6240/ [email protected] if you have any concern.

Fr Martin Pratt, St Mary's Parish Priest

A Short History of St Mary’s
The present church was opened on 13th May 1887. Designed by Albert Vicars of London, the land had been purchased by John Sperling, father of the parish priest, Reverend Alfred Sperling, for £400 and building had commenced in 1885. The stained glass windows were made by Mayer of Munich and London and the particularly magnificent East Window was donated by Elizabeth Bermingham. One of the windows was dedicated to Reverend (by now Monsignor) Alfred Sperling after his death in 1923.
In 1921 a War Memorial was erected on the south side of the church to commemorate the 23 local men who had died in Word War I. In 1925 men of the parish erected a shrine to the Little Flower (the affectionate name given to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux) near the memorial. The existing presbytery was built by parish labour shortly afterwards. In 1926 a new pipe organ was installed by Jardines of Old Trafford, Manchester. The current pipe organ came from Ball Haye Methodist Church when it closed in 2002.
The Loreto Sisters & St Mary’s School
In 1860 an order of nuns was invited to work in the parish, particularly to teach the children of the parish. In 1863 they took over the building behind the church as the convent, using the old church in King Street as the school from 1887. A new school was built next door to the convent in King Street in 1925. The current St Mary’s Catholic Academy in Cruso Street, opened in 1957. It has since had further buildings added and now incorporates the nursery children as well. In 1980 the nuns finally left the school, a lay head was appointed, and the convent in King Street was sold.

St Mary’s has a strong community keeping our Christian faith as the cornerstone, of our life and mission.At St Mary’s we like to motivate the young people of the parish and inspire their spiritual growth. We have weekly Mass at St Mary’s Catholic academy and a Family Mass once a month in term time: we enjoy seeing the young people and their families attend church. Family Mass is on a Saturday for the Sunday Vigil Mass. We also have Mass encouraging the students of our Parish who attend Painsley Catholic College.Details of the next Family Mass can be found on the News page.Below are some links to our schools and other useful organisations, including a link to the full Safeguarding Statement.
St Mary’s RC Church
The Presbytery
ST13 5NHPhone: 01538 382385Email: [email protected]What3word Location: titles.aside.owners
Parish News

On this page we will keep you up to date with St Mary's Parish News, we will keep you informed of any Mass time changes, post the times and dates for Family Mass and Holy Days of Obligation and the details of any Parish social events and fundraising events. .
Mass Time Variations
Mass on Thursday 3 April will be at 8.30am.
Friday 4 April Stations of the Cross 10am St Mary's and 6.30pm All Saints church.
St Mary’s church Library
This library is open to all parishioners who would like to borrow books. There is a vast collection of books, including books on spirituality, prayer, life of Saints etc. there is a small selection of children’s books as well, which you can take for your child to read during Mass to keep them engaged. There is no need to register or check out books, just take what you would like to read and return when finished. The books are also available for you to purchase- a donation would be appreciated

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Please contact Fr Martin to arrange a face to face appointment so he can meet you and explain the procedure, the initial meeting must be in person not via phone or email.
If you are planning a wedding, Congratulations on your engagement! To arrange a wedding an initial appointment with Fr Martin is vital so the canonical and civil processes can be correctly followed. It will need to be planned at least six months in advance.
Christian Funeral
If you are planning a Funeral, please allow the Funeral Director to contact the Church to make the arrangements, Fr Martin is happy to provide Spiritual support so please contact him if you have any questions.If you would like to know how to arrange the Sacraments of the sick, please contact Fr Martin.